“Achieving Territorial Resilience through Youth Empowerment” e-workshop

Happy and honored to announce the completion of the Climate Mediterranean Integration (CMI) e-workshop “Achieving Territorial Resilience through Youth Empowerment”.

It was a wonderful experience working in a team of the most active, young, and innovative youth from the Mediterranean region to present local-oriented evidence-based solutions for tackling climate change.
I would like to thank the Centre for Mediterranean Integration (CMI) for organizing the Mediterranean Youth Forum on Climate Change. And here you may also find the presentations done during the event.
The CMI launched in June 2020 an initiative focusing on “Achieving territorial resilience through youth empowerment” and aiming to create a youth community of practice and present evidence-based solutions to local and climate change-driven stresses in the Mediterranean region. In pursuit of these objectives, the CMI has organized an online workshop on June 18, 2020, in collaboration with its “Territorial Resilience to Climate Change” technical hub members (UfM, World Bank, MedCities, GIZ, CIHEAM, EIB, ADEME, Plan Bleu, AViTeM, AFD, CODATU, IUCN, FAO, UN-Habitat, Cities Alliance, Region Sud) and with youth leaders – me included! – from across the region.